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Tuesday, May. 13, 2003 - 10:47 a.m.

Thank You, Father

1d had a stroke in April and has suffered extensive brain cell death in the two frontal lobes. An area was destroyed that is now causing the seizures. Major lifestyle changes are are in order to lessen stress, as it seems her blood pressure spikes in response to stress. Whether she will be able to drive again or work as a charge nurse or even retain her paper skills is in question, altho she did whip the socks off 800 and d playing rummy last nite. She will be in a precarious situation from now on and will have to monitor much of what she does and what others do around her, but it could have been so much worse.

Since I like to rehearse disaster (2d calls it worrying but it isn't because I just like to look at all possiblities ahead of time) I had already thought out all the unthinkables. We can handle this with Your help and guidance. Some of her lifestyle changes will mean great sacrifice for many of us. Some of the changes will be the very best things that could happen to her little family. Please help her and give her strength and determination to get as well as she can. 'You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.'

I was so scared all the last of the week especially Saturday nite when I knew they knew the diagnosis and told us they would tell us when they got home in the morning. I just hung on to You as tight as I could, knowing that no matter what was ahead, You would be there hanging on to me. That is just as true today.


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