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Saturday, May. 10, 2003 - 2:57 p.m.

Hurt kitty

Little Girl kitty is badly hurt.She and Yard Cat (he only has 3 feet) disappeared about 9 days ago. Yard Cat turned up 2 or 3 days later but she didn't. We figured we would see her body at the side of the road or she had gotten trapped somewhere or the dogs had gotten her.

Last night when 2d fed the animals, she heard weak mews from under the little chicken shed and crawled under there to get Little Girl kitty out. Kitty was skin and bones, had a swollen back leg and couldn't move her back parts at all. She stayed in the bathtub last night and went to the vet this morning. Very hungry and purring at the top of her lungs. I figured she would probably recover, maybe even the use of her legs. The vet concurs, and didn't think 2d should have her put to sleep yet. She is ensconced on the deck nestled in the tattered quilt 2d had on her bed for many years. She is asiduously grooming herself and may become a tame kitty after all. She is the last of Tyrone's(the registered Angora) kittens. She has long silky black fur with golden tips at the end of the black ruff around her neck. She is about 2 or 3 generations down from Tyrone but those golden strains are strong. We captured her and had her spayed last year, and she loves to be petted, but only 2d was allowed to pick her up and only for a minute.

Yard Cat is distraught and sings his desolate and raucous love songs to her continually from under the deck. He is too shy to come up, but he may overcome his fears and become a tame cat also. When she regains her strength and starts to drag herself around more, we shall put her down under the deck also where she can get a better foothold in the dirt. She won't be the first paralyzed cat of ours that regained mobility. Many many years ago we had a longhaired tabby male named Smooch that got hit by a car. He lay in the garage at the old place for a month and then drug himself around for a while after that. Eventually he got his legs under him, and moved quite well although his hindquarters always moved awkwardly. He had no pain and would jump up on the low roof at the back door to give us his namesake kisses as we passed in and out.

Little Girl kitty deserves that chance also. As long as she is perky and purring and eager for caresses, we shall help her.


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