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Thursday, May. 08, 2003 - 2:19 p.m.

This I know

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Wildeyez reminded me of this, and I don't know where it first came from. My breath gets taken away quite often by any number of things.

No medical word from the West yet. They are visiting with various relatives. 800's favorite sister in law is the latest. When her husband died 18 months ago, she moved to Portland to live with a 40+ daughter. She got a teaching degree in her early 50's and helped her husband alot with his little business in the summers, then nursed him through sever diabetes in his last years. I think 1d's phone card died, as she hasn't called for several days, and 800 never does. 1d called them since hndreds of baby pheasants have hatched already and she needed to get some of them to a buyer. She tends them twice a day, takes d to school 10 miles away, and watches d and e at night while I sleep in preparation for work. I watch e during the day and pick up d after school, usually prepare an evening meal for them, and clean up and wash dishes and clothes for them. It is not a chore but a labor of love for me. They are such good kids during this time. Not without warts but willing to cooperate. e and I are continuing to bond and tick along quite well together when alone.

2d is experiencing the mommy track vicariously, and while she is glad to do this for them, it has made her even more sure that she does not regret refusing that track for herself.


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