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Thursday, May. 01, 2003 - 4:20 p.m.

Still waiting

This is such an unsettling time. We're all hanging on tight to You, and Your peace that passes all understanding is keeping our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 800 and 1d are on their way to Portland. 1d has app't at the big hospital with a neurologist tomorrow at 1. The prognosis can be all the way one way or the other. She feels great pressure and pain in the frontal lobes which is where the EEG showed the most brain cell damage. She may be having small strokes, or a leaking aneurysm. She hooked up her CPAP machine again as we think the sleep apnea may be cutting off oxygen enough to cause damage, but it is all just guess work so far.

I am keeping a paper journal of her illness, so I can document what happens. I will have to write a long entry here soon, but just haven't had the time or the heart. I can't bear to thnk of losing another child, but I know You will be with us if that should happen. D and e are being so good. I know they are unsettled both by living here and by their mother's illness, but their spirits stay sweet. I have at least 3 12 hour days coming up this week. Give me the strength to follow through. Being the only one with a job is a bit daunting, and my job may end sooner than expected. You know what lies ahead and we are following You.

We have had 5 days of wonderful soaking rains, but I haven't been able to enjoy them as I might have before 1d's problems.


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