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Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 - 9:51 a.m.

Morning ramblings

Thanks to a journal friend I don't have to change my entry times after all. His advice to just read a few journals and try again was right on.

Yesterday I forgot to mention my best purchase of the weekend. New waterbed sheets in the most exciting pattern. Reminiscent of hippie days with tie-dyed clothes, the sheets are made of jersey or t-shirt material and a pattern of bright reds, oranges, yellows, blues and greens in a ripple rainbow effect. Very bright and comfortable. I was looking for something a little warmer than my percale sheets in the winter. Flannel sheets just don't work for me even though I love them. Flannel nightgowns and flannel sheets turn into Velcro!!

I trained a new lab tech last night and will have her all week probably. She worked in the lab in 1996 for a year so it will probably be easy to bring her up to speed even with all the changes. At least she already speaks 'factoryese'. Words like check, line, temp, sample, left me feeling like I had entered a foreign country (and I had!) I remember quietly crying on the way home the first week, feeling like the dumbest person in the world. I would dry my tears before entering the house and put a good face on things. No one knew how unsure of myself I was feeling. It is very humbling to feel so stupid. I still have dumb moments, but I know just to keep on pushing the limit until I 'get it'.

I taped a program about Sacajawea from PBS last night and am eager to go watch it. It was always so exciting to go out to the state park named after her when I was a kid. The arrow head collections and Indian artifacts were awesome and the mummy----!! Well that was truly fascinating!!!


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