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Monday, Mar. 10, 2003 - 12:57 p.m.


I may have to change the time I get on the PC. Diaryland is not allowing entries in certain busy times which seems to be about mid-day here.

I had a busy weekend. On Friday, I went to Wal-mart, made an appointment for this Thursday for new glasses, went through the new grocery section which was not as impressive as I had hoped. Definitely not as good as WinCo right now. I only bought about $20 of groceries. I also paid odds and ends of bills. Saturday I went with 1d to bigtown and had some Costco fun. Found a great bargain on Joy dish-soap, splurged on a big jar of artichoke hearts, and bought some birthday presents. A sixpack of Nancy Drew for s, an 8 hour set of cassettes for 3s about a Crusader who returns to a mystery at home, and an 8 hour set of CD's about myths of the West. Don't know who that is for yet, perhaps 800 as his birthday is in April. It looked very interesting and I learned a long time ago that if I see something at Costco that looks good, right then is the time to buy it. It was a very full day and Sunday was more of the same.

2s had spent all last week in Madison, Wisconsin, at a refrigeration seminar for his company, fifth year there so far, and he had the girls yesterday so everyone came for dinner. Costco had big packs of pork sirloin boneless chops so that is what we had with mashed potatoes, pan gravy, green beans, salad, pickled artichoke hearts, applesauce, hot biscuits and honey. Everyone stayed all afternoon and watched The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe again, but I went to bed. E was here this morning when I awoke and is watching The Parent Trap-new while I am on the computer.

It was just 2d and I at church yesterday. 1d didn't work but they went to the church where d goes to youth group. It is a very casual group with casual music and 1d feels more comfortable there right now. Our group is very conservative and separated. It is a blessing to our hearts but not to everybody's.

Rosses came unexpectedly for the first time. The message was about Heaven. They were sad and reflective since Daniel went home to be with You only last year, but You knew they would be there. Once again I was reminded of Your goodness to us in 1s's death. He had his accident in the same area that we would have lived in and raised him in if we had made different choices 40 years ago. 800 probably would not have returned to You and I would not have gotten saved. The children would not have had opportunity to 'grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord' and when 1s died, he may have went off into a Christless eternity. All his days were numbered in Your Book, and perhaps the place of his last day also. Once more here is my 'tribute of praise' for the mercy and grace You have shown to us.


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