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2003-03-06 - 10:43 a.m.

Another lazy day

I have put off going to town another day. All the days that are convenient for me are the days 800 needs the car so I have a good excuse. I need to cash my check tomorrow though so I may go then. 1d is nagging me about my blood pressure so maybe I'll make it out to get checked. She wants to go to bigtown Saturday so maybe I'll wait til then.

She has gotten her diabetes under control. I am very proud of her. She talks about her ills alot, but really has no one else to talk too, so I try to be sympathetic. Everyone needs someone to pay attention to them once in a while. A listening ear, a back rub, a pat on the hand, all these remind us we exist. Ideally one has a mate who can fulfil these small things but so many don't have mates. Sometimes I think all the licentious living and bad lifestyle choices are really just a search for a giver of the small things.

I have 2 boys in the Middle East to pray for now. One is Robert, the son of a fellow lab tech. The other is Greg, a former student. Greg is an architect now and just bought a condo in skitown. He was in the ROTC in college and got his master's with government help. Now it is pay back time. He is in a bridgebuilding company and is in Kuwait now. I remember when he was in the Old Testament PACE's and now he is in the very area he studied about.


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