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2003-03-04 - 10:54 a.m.


Just finished trying to fix one of the dumber things I have done in my life. Sure hope it works. About 2 weeks ago I got concerned about some little tags of skin that have appeared in various spots on my body. They were just being there not bothering anything but obsessive compulsives can't leave well enough alone. They were big enough that I figured it would hurt if I pulled them off or scratched them off as one does with tiny warts. Too big to adequately cover with fingernail polish and smother to death. What to do? Why, ol' Missus Brilliance here decided to strangle them.

Getting out the dental floss, she proceeded to make a slipknot and lasso them thar thangs. The plan worked perfectly on one. It is now history. The slipknot slipped off one and I think I will quit while I am ahead. But the third....it was not just a tag of skin, it was a large pink mole that had appeared on the calf of my leg years ago, right on the outside near the knee. Soft and pink, it really wasn't hurting anything, but everyone knows that old witches always have moles. Any way by the time I got some better sense, I had caused myself pain and bleeding, not to mention a growing fear of infection. I am just gong to put some antibiotic lotion on it now that I have taken the slipknot off and tiptoe quietly around it hoping all will be well.

800 has gone to bigtown to have a Bible study in one of the care centers there. He and 2d went up Sunday after church and she played the piano for a service and sang The Holy City. He would like her to go every Sunday, but she would like not to get committed that tightly. I can see both their points. And naturally I have my own little point or two to add to the mix.

Last nite was my Monday, and it was a tough one. Maintaining a level of "Go, Go, Go" for 8 hours is getting harder and harder. Home life consists of staying off the leg as much as possible. I have put off going to the new Walmart grocery and paying bills for another weekend. Instead, I just stayed home and watched Sense and Sensibility and most of Pride and Prejudice. Guess I shall go upstairs and finish.


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