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2003-01-23 - 10:16 a.m.

It's Paaaaarrrrty Time!!!

Yes indeedy, it is Friday night and time to howl. Actually it is Thursday morning but it is the beginning of my weekend so I am celebrating. The party is going full blast. E is here and we had 'baby cereal'(her name for Cream o Wheat) for breakfast and now we are down in the party room where she is watching Lilo and Stitch and I am playing on the computer.

She brought several more favorites to watch so as soon as I finish having fun here, I am going over to the bunkbeds in the alcove behind her, and lying down to watch whatever her next selection is. The bunk is made up with striped flannel sheets trimmed with mallards, flannel pillowcases and blanketed with a fluffy satin comforter. I probably won't see much of her selection but I will be doing some more partyng. Her mommy will be here to get her this afternoon and I'll be off to the next party stop, the waterbed! What a wonderful start to a weekend!


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