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2001-12-28 - 1:41 a.m.



Father, I am feeling totally frustrated and need Your help in whatever form I can get. Patience-success-assistance-whatever it takes to solve the problem.

The family email is on the fritz. Ever since shortly after I put Callwaves on, I have been getting a message that I don't have the newest version of Dialup Connection and may have trouble with 'connectivity'. Well today I did, but not with Callwave. Every time I attempt to log on to the home email, I get a log in window that askes for my user name and password, both of which are already filled in. In the past, when this box showed up on occasion, I just closed it and went on with life.

However for a couple of months, Outlook Express hasn't used Dialup Connection window on its own to authorize and connect. I open the internet explorer and then go back to retrieve mail. Now I can't retrieve any, anyway, anyhow. Bang, bang, bang. Bang. Talked to the server guy, but after a few adjustments and checks, his only suggestion was to bring the tower in so he could look at it. He says he can use his littleprogram to open my email enough to see it will load with the info they have used and he sees a message in there. He also said some viruses keep trying to open email programs. My Norton doesn't show the presence of any virus, and the updates are all ok...went to MSN and looked at the help available. 2s may be able to help if we can make connections. He has the girls this week and they always have big plans. I think I can send email because I sent a Popping Bubbles stress reliever to 2d after the trouble started. It show up on the sent folders but she hasn't been to work this week and goes in tomorrow.

She's had three days of skiing so far this week and has Saturday planned up there, also. This is the time she loves, and office job and music teaching and family are very distant. The only thing she maintains year around is church and personal piano. This may be the year she slackens off on skiing a bit tho. 27 is getting to or past the high end on physical prowess and she has mentioned more aches this year. "Slacken" for 2d will probably just mean she comes into the lodge a little more often.

I remember all the years I took her up the hill for the 6 week ski package. starting in second grade clear up to the last year in school, she would be out on the slope the whole day. I would sit at the window in the lodge, watching for her, to make sure she was still there. Even bathroom breaks were postponed til the end of skiing if possible, and she would always eat her lunch as we drove off the mountain at the end of the day. She hasn't changed much, but says she does go into the lodge and visits with the other instructors and patrol once or twice a day.

Her siblings weren't lodge bunnies either, but didn't stay out as much as 2d. Skiing isn't as much fun for them anymore, but they are all 10 years older than she is, and have other interests. 2s has bought season passes for himself and the girls the last 2 years and usually goes every other week when he has them. He thinks he even made more runs than 2d this year, but she is occupied with classes and clinics until mid afternoon. I'm glad they have opportunity to enjoy this sport which is usually a rich man's sport in other parts of the country. Living only a half hour drive from the ski runs and having smaller prices than some of the resort areas has made it possible for just about anyone to learn and keep at it if it is their interest.

The new outdoor sport writer for the big paper watched a mountain lion in his back yard this week. He has come out from Ohio and 'loves this state'. I have come to love it too, in spite of all the tears I shed coming down here in 71. The only thing it lacks is the ocean shore. Now if California and upcoast would only break off into the sea as has been predicted, we would have everything!


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