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2001-12-27 - 1:34 p.m.

snow and more snow

Snow and more snow-----------

The Marquis was completely covered with snow and there was several inches on the ground as I left for Bible study last night. When I left FBC, it was rerun time with more inches on the car and ground, but no more was falling. It was the light, fluffy, tiny flake snow that drifts easily if the wind should start blowing.

That is what messes up this area with its vast flat areas in these broad desert valleys between the ranges. The heavy snow can fall and fall and as long as the plows are out, driving, schools, and work go on as usual. When the light snow starts to drift, life starts to shut down.

We all woke in various parts of the house, to wild neighing and thudding hooves. The horses across the road had escaped again and Dolly longed to join them or have them join her. They have escaped regularly all fall and winter. They either know how to open the latch or someone is letting them out. mf posted little signs reminding her dad to latch the gate when feeding. The palomino is starting to show his age, but the sorrel guy waves his tail like a plume and floats over the ground in those long Arabian strides. Neighbor dogs and piles bother me, neighbor horses and piles don't. Isn't that odd? 800 says it is because horse doesn't cling to one's shoes and track into the house. Probably has to do with carnivourous-carnivarous-carniverous-o darn-meateating versus grazing (can't recall the word for that at the present time. Ruminant is not it, because ruminant refers to chewing the cud. O well, one more piece of information lost in the ocean of grey.

Guess what? I'm throwning money away again. Forgot to open my unemployment account last week, and have lost $150 more or less. Bang, bang, bang, my head on the table. I really have nifty plans, too. Bang, bang, bang. Deep theological question. Do I tithe money I should have had but lost through my own carelessness? Never thought of that before.

I had much enjoyment reading the Christmas menus of various journallers. I think once more what a varied group we all are.


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