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2001-12-28 - 12:26 p.m.



Can you tell I am excited!!!This is the day that the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. I hope I would have been glad anyway even with the email broken, but it is fixed!!!! All three of my requests were answered-patience,sucess, and I forget the other one, but when I read the entry for yesterday I realized You gave me all 3. Thank You!!

I got up this am and told 2d to check her email for the messages I sent yesterday, and send me one. Then I decided to call the server again, just 'cuz. The older tech tried a few things then said bring the tower in yesterday. This am I got Ty, sounded about 14, walked me through the account setup, had me change the ingoing and outgoing windows to the same thing and it worked!!!

Thank You for youth. All they know is what they know, but they never give in or up. If it is their interest, there is always another road to go down. another thread to pull, another thingy to tweak. Renew my mind, Lord, just like Romans 11:1 and 2. Give me a mind of youth to be persistent. Actually I can see that is my bent anyway. Hooked up Ataris, antennas, VCR's, repairs with duct tape, all of the many things I am infamous for around here point to a youthful (or juvenile) mindset. Anyway, thanks again..


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