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2001-12-21 - 12:01 p.m.



This has been a peaceful few days. Peace is a funny commodity..it can often be mistaken for boredom. It is only when I have had long periods without peace that I have learned to treasure it.

The peace in my heart that 'passes all understanding' has been here since 1963. As a child of the fifties, I spent alot of really unpeaceful times thinking of atomic bomb attacks. 800 often reminds me of my desire for a bomb shelter then. You are my 'bomb shelter', the cleft of the rock, the shelter in time of storm. I can remember dreaming of 'the attack' and trying to round up the children, only 2 of them at that time. I would wake up trembling and full of fear.

After I was saved, I had a different version of 'the dream'. I think it is an indicator of stress. This time the dreams would be again of rounding up the children butthe occasion was much different. This time the event was the Rapture. Now I know scripturally that will happen in the twinkle of an eye, there will be no time for roundups, and I will have no control of who is rounded up at that moment. The biggest difference is the fear factor. The peace You have given me makes the dream one of great joyful expectancy. That has made all the difference.

This may have been another year when Your Son has not come for us physically, but He has come again and again for me spiritually. He has come in rebuke, lifting me up from whatever dirty little puddle I have been playing in, cleaning me up and gently correcting me. He has come in answer to my frantic tearful cries, to rescue me from whatever horrible monster was devouring me. And He has come to celebrate with me the joyful times, the culminating times, the victorious times, the quiet times...all the times of my life. The Second Coming has happened over and over again in my life this year. I am not disappointed.

Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly!


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