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2001-12-20 - 2:53 p.m.

And again

And again--------------

I spoke too soon. Now I don't have to go back to work til the 2nd. That is nice. I hope this one is official even if I'll be poor after my special projects.

Big kerfluffle about not getting Christmas hams or turkeys this year. Company head changed his mind and we all get ten dollar grocery certificate and 2 cases of product. When I went to pick up the product, they said 4 cases and then let me take another one. That is 150 pounds of potatoes, fixed in various ways. I don't have room in the freezer for all of it but hope to give some to 1d and friends. I was glad to try the cracked pepper spudsters which look like little pine cones and tasted good. A nice crust on the outside after 15 minutes in a hot oven and a nice flavored mashed potato inside. It is said to be selling quite well in yuppiedom along with the flame-roasted line of which I also got a case.

My company doesn't owe me anything for Christmas. It is nice if they give something out but if not, o well. They are fair,have lots of incentive programs from which I have won several contests. $250 safety contest, $30 environmental poster contest, 3case prize in safety poster contest, and 2 other $25 company store awards that I forget the source. Ouch! that was a terribly unstructured sentence.

I have had very few jobs in my life and this one pays very well for our area especially with as little formal education as I have had. Even 800 allows they treat their employees well, and he is not a company man by a long shot. In fact, in all 4l years of our marriage, he only had one company job that lasted part of one winter. He would rather have worked for himself, even if it was digging a ditch. I like the security of working for someone else. But I have never had as big dreams as 800 has had.

I think I shall like retirement. It doesn't take much income to keep us content and I can read, dream and compute as much as I want. That is a totally self-centered existence. Shame on me.


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