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2001-12-19 - 10:18 a.m.

here and there

Here and there------

I spoke too soon. Now I have to work 3 days this week and three days after Christmas. That will be fine. I have some special plans in the new year. I want to pay off d's old tuition bill at BCA and that may be several hundred dollars. I also want to pay some of 1d's lawyer bill for custody papers for e.

Having an interesting experience with a new trainee. She is so hesitant, but I can see her start to blossom as she starts to understand the 'program'. I think the lab may be the saving of her. The other trainer and I are both the only older women under the leads altho Judy is 12 years younger than I am. God's way of solving and treating problems works whether the world or the Christian body uses that rule. I am thinking especially of the older woman of Titus 2.

Her responsibility after fulfilling several requirements in her own life is to teach the younger women to love their husbands and children and be keepers at home. Apparently love of husband and child is not something that comes easily or consistently to youth. Keeper at home does not necessarily mean staying at home, I believe, but keeping the home in order. It is very hard to love others and keep things going if one is shattered oneself. Loving and encouraging young women is a high calling yet most of us as we have grown older do not want any part of that call. We have put in our time, now let us have our fun. In light of that observation, the older generation is just as responsible for the current state of affairs as the younger. We must get out of the cosy nest and reach out.

We need to help this gal see she is a worthwhile person with an able brain and gifts and talents to bring to our crew. God, help us.


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