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2001-12-05 - 10:06 a.m.

Baaaaad k

Baaaaad k--------

She's been tweaking her computer and she is probably going to pay the price.

Both boys and 2d have told me time and time again to leave well enough alone, but I never learn. Hope I can back out of whatever I got into!! At least I know enough not to go down into the black guts anymore. really had a mess that time.

I loaded a program with alot of clipart and paperdolls on this morning and had to change the display colors and now everything looks just a little bit off. Maybe I am just used to the old way and the change is really good---ya think? I thought paperdolls would be very good to occupy 2d's piano students who wait in the studio for sis or bro to finish. They play with puzzles, draw in sketch-book, twiddle with the magnetic b-b's, nuts, metal stars and water bubble thingies I used to get every year on the way back from Lagoon. I perhaps should have left well enough alone. I also did something else, but that is a secret for now!

One of my main faults has always been that I try things that are just a little too far out of my reach. I have to admit that sometimes I have been wildly sucessful and discovered new horizons to explore, but often I just over-reach myself and have to eat crow. Hope this is not one of those times.

Tonite is Bible study and I need to quit fooling around and go to bed, but I am having too much fun. I'll pay for that, too! Last nite, I spent the whole shift on Line 40, something I don't do much anymore. Climbing the stairs every half hour, lugging 30# boxes around, and just generally grunge labor always makes me realize I'm getting a little old for this. I think I am going to have to take one more class before I get upgraded. It is a statistical class, and TA says it was very hard and most of the lab techs won't be able to pass it with a B. She failed in the daily assignments but studied hard and aced the test so she passed. Now why the rest of us have to take it, I don't know except it stalls off having to pay me a dollar more an hour. I really don't want to have to work that hard in another class, as I tend to get compulsive and want an A. O well, another chance to delay the onset of Alzheimer's. I'll go into the college to find out about it in a day or so. Please, please don't make me have to take it!! Just let me have the raise anyway.


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