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2001-12-06 - 11:39 a.m.



One whose life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratifications.

Biblical view from I Timothy 5:6 'But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth.'

Can one be a Biblical hedonist? I guess one could if one could change the definition of hedonism. I was thinking of hedonism this morning as I walked out to my car from work. It had been snowing when I left home at 11:30 and snowed most of the night. We have a Schwan's audit the next 2 days and I was assigned to clean the back labs. I swept the outside ramp free of snow several times during the course of the night to lessen the tracking in of water, but around 6, it stopped snowing and started raining. Heaven!!! When I got off and started to the parking lot, I took my cap off and removed the clip from my hair. It fell around my shoulders and the damp tendrils clung to my face as I lifted it to the rain..I felt like taking off my coat to get even wetter though it was about 35 degrees. I raised my arms to the sky, exulting in the grey drizzle, and wondered at the emotions that rain brings to me.

That is when I started to think about hedonism and the pleasures that excite me. The prospect of a new book by a favorite author, the flavor of a homecooked hamburger complete with dripping catsup, thick piles of leaf lettuce and grease-crisped bun as I sit down at the computer. The icy coldness and nose-tingling taste of a cola. I am replete with pleasure this day, and I don't even feel guilty. Am I a hedonist, Father? I hope not. I can live without these things. I know they each come from your Hand.

I think I have to find another word to describe me.


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