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2001-12-03 - 11:18 a.m.



That is what is going on outside. The cold spell is going and the snow is melting. O, you didn't know it snowed. Well, did it ever. As usual, the first big snow of the year and school closes, folks can't get to work. If I remember correctly, it began Thursday night,hard to back out when I left work, hard to get back into the driveway. Went to sleep and then got up to shovel out a better backout, or frontout. Must have been 6-8 inches. Perhaps the water problems are over. This should build up the snowpack so it can fill the dams in the spring.

Pastor g was gone back to NC when it happened, but yesterday he spoke about the desert and got into irrigation. I don't think he ever knew much about irrigation but I got to thinking about living in the desert and what irrigation means to us. He sees now that this is the desert for him compared to living in the Bible Belt.

It has been for us, too, but 0-the blessings of the oasis and the reservoir...The irrigation is so varied. There is the simple flood irrigation. That necessitates a border around the ground, so the water doesn't escape, but is very easy, just turn on the water and let it flood. The newest is sprinkling, usually expensive, various degrees of work, from moving hand lines, having motor driven wheel lines, and finally the huge circles. Sprinkling is much like natural watering, but doesn't encourage the deep roots that being planted by a river does.

The third way is siphons. Very labor intensive, requires ditches to be filled, corrugates to be made and siphon tubes to be set. But the water coverage is wonderful. Individual settings, perhaps a giant siphon in certain types of soil, maybe 2 tubes is a special sort of terrain or crop.

All dependent on the main canal that carries water from the dam. That is such a good analogy of the Christian life. The water of life carried to the local body the reservoir, and then by the channels to the land.

Anyway, snow is great especially since I don't have to be out in it much. 2d is close to Heaven. Pomerelle opened the day after Thanksgiving and she was called to help with lessons, then went up Saturday to give the newbies lessons on how to give lessons. She got to teach the doctor who delivered her! She didn't know it at the time. Guess I never communicated that with her. I have gotten so tired over the years of hearing pain by pain descriptions of births that I have never talked much of my traumas in that arena---and don't intend to start now!!

We are so small on Sundays, and it is probably easy to get discouraged by that. But I am so grateful the size doesn't even matter. I have sat week after week, year after year, among large groups----cold, hungry, thirsty. Thank You for the oasis in the desert, the water, cool and refreshing, the food satisfying to my body and soul, the peace, restoring to every part of me.


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