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2001-11-26 - 6:54 a.m.



Had an interesting experience this am-really am,6 to be exact! I was reading my favorite journals and came across one I had left a guestbook entry on recently. Imagine my surprise at being called 'insensitive' by someone named kirsten for referring to an anonymous magazine subcription stalker (oops-can I use that term?) as a terrorist.

Excuse me, are only those connected directly with 9-ll allowed to use certain terms with authenticity? Can only one personally affiliated with Bin Laden-like eejits call himself a terrorist. Well, then, jes' shut ma mouf an' call me 'insensitive'!

Only one who has been subjected to an anonymous attack of any kind without any way of finding out who bears them such ill-will can understand the helpless terror that induces. Poison pen letters and cruel uses of guestbooks, titters from the depths of a crowd as one walks by, upthrust fingers extended from swiftly passing cars all exhibit the same mind set of the ones who steered planes into buildings. Cowardice. It is fairly easy to be anonymously mean, without having to bear the responsibility for repercussions or negotiations.

That quality is what defines 'terrorist' to me. War is ugly, and often involves killing bystanders. But it is done under the flag of identity. If you say you hate me and what I stand for and are going to do whatever it takes to destroy me and my ideas, that is war. I have the option to fight back, or negotiate to find out what we can do so we can live together peaceably. Terrorists offer no such options. Perhaps because no-one will stand behind them is the reason they have to slink out of hiding and retreat again.

I'm sorry, kirsten, that you also are anonymous. No email address, no home page, no further communication about the scope the word 'terrorist' holds.

And, sorry, also, I shall continue to use the word 'terrorist' to describe the hidden haters among us. I think I have enough tragedy, heartbreak, and catastrophe behind me in my six decades to identify fear.

Is this a rant?


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