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2001-09-22 - 11:24 a.m.

encouraging words

My heart is lifted today. Especially from my journeys on the web. I'm so glad I found Autumn Leaves and some of the other sites I have bookmarked. It took a while to sort out all of the journals I have visited in the last year. Coffee Bean, Observations, Annie and Chattering were all discovered last fall and I still visit. Such different folks, yet all have a unique charm to me. I have discovered others also, that I enjoy reading.

There were such good excerpts and insights this morning. It lifted my spirits to read them.

I'm writing this while 2d irons, and she and e watching "Lord of the Rings" A lovely day for me. 1d and d are helping 800 butcher birds. d says the old 286 works great for what he needed- a place to practice his typing. Perhaps we can find some floppies that have more things on them. Actually when the machine booted up, it said 3.1. If I remember correctly that was the MS-DOS upgrade before Windows 95 so perhaps it may be of more use than one thinks. 2s may still have some software, from his first computer. I had a lot of fun and did alot of work on the 286 at school, and so did the LC kids.

I was thinking last nite, that despite my brave words about a place to vent my thoughts, I still keep a great secret. I probably will never discuss it. I never have, to any great extent, with anyone, and I probably never will. Some things are better left back in the dark cave. I said a little about it in my paper journal, but not much. It is like the tale about an elephant in the living room. It is there all the time, very big, affecting every part of my life, but I never talk about it. It sits there sometimes quietly and sometimes devastatingly, but always there. Yet I pretend there is no elephant in the living room.


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