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2001-09-21 - 11:01 a.m.


I'm pretty sure I wrote yesterday but maybe not. If I did, those immortal words are like the arrow shot into the sky. Perhaps there were words that didn't need to be expressed anywhere else but between me and Thee. If so,I thank You, Lord.

The web is strangely somber today, and yesterday also if my memory serves me. That is not altogether a bad thing. A bit of somberness is called for as we hover on the brink of a shaky future. But when has the future ever been anything but shaky?

Judy at work felt very fragile. Her son's battalion will be one of the first to be called up, and altho he has a job that will not put him in the front lines, front lines have a way of moving. In fact, front lines can form right at home. 2d asked me yesterday, how would I feel about war if B were bombed and she were at work? Would I be mad and want revenge? I saw her point immediately. I am usually such a hawk, but I admit to reservations.

My reservations mainly have to do with the character of our country. Maybe I'm glorifying America too much, but I've always felt part of what has made her great was a greatness of spirit. A refusal to stoop to levels of some. This is a time we must trust the integrity of our leaders and sometimes thy haven't shown much. Our nation's integrity and regard for law is one of the things that leaves it wide open for bullies and terrorists. I have often thought that laws are only made for the law-abiding. Criminals really don't care what the laws are.

Do the next thing. That is always a good maxim. My next thing for today is to get my check from the mail, and hope there is enough to pay some of the insurance that is due. I think I shall be able to pay half at a time as I used to do. I always hate that because there is a charge of 5-10. But if I must, I must. We got our tax rebate yesterday. I signed it for 800 to put in the account. He has bird needs.

I wonder what You have ahead. We just found out that we will be laid off the last half of October for sure, and perhaps after Thanksgiving until the new year. A time of belt tightening. I am glad nothing was decided about siding for a while. Christmas may be a bit simpler, but that is not a bad thing, either. No one in the family has real need for anything material. Some minor needs such as better housing, vehicle, etc. All of our real needs can be met with love and respect. I wonder if we can value those.


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