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2001-09-19 - 9:46 a.m.


I'm so sleepy!! Just got through reading journals. Bonnie had such a cheery picture up today. I have a bad habit of going right to the writing part instead of letting pages boot fully up. I miss a lot of good pix that way.

Worked with the last stage of my upgrade last nite. 8 hours with sanitation. I actually get paid as much as the graveyard supervisor and with my upgrade, will get alot more.

Took d along with 2d and e to the barber. 2d and I shopped a bit. Went to a recycled clothing store that was closing down this week and got some dresses for k and s. I hope they like them. They usually don't have anything to wear to church with us and maybe the thought of trying out these will be good incentive. Got some 2 inch heels to go with them. One pair is hot pink, the other pair are white Naturalizers. Also got baby a pair of Weejuns. They are a little big but so cute.

Got the old 286 up and running. I don't think it has a brain, and I don't know enough about getting down into the black guts to find out, but at least it has a c prompt, and d can practice keyboarding.

Won't be taking the red rascal anywhere this week. This will be 3 weeks. She will be a handful.


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