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2001-09-18 - 12:08 p.m.


Once again, my Autumn Leaves has changed. Now instead of little grey toolbar buttons, I have a midsized window pop up. At least I know what to do with it. MAXIMIZE IT. I do not know precisely how the window thing happened. Perhaps I hit a menu item, or perhaps the great cyberhiway fixerupper in the box did it, or perhaps the Brit was tweaking the site. Whatever--I love Microsoft!!

We have a new software program in the lab now. Wonderware was not the answer but this new one isn't either. Too many unanswered questions and awkward ways to delete mistakes. They ought to just fork out the money and have MS make them a lab compatible program. Or get a computer nerd from Moscow who is going to work for MS when he graduates. Actually the best solution would be to work hand in glove with a lab tech who actually worked on a line.

I've been looking back at some former entries which was a big mistake. No, I'm not concerned with the content of my entries. I yam who I yam. In fact, my usual response is non-recognition of the person who wrote the entry(does that mean my facade is so deep, I don't even know me?) Nope, what bothers me are the typos and grammatical errors, subject-verb agreements, etc.

I think this means I HAVE to go back and reread all this drivel!!!!!

Had a wonderful time reading other people's thoughts this am. Lots of originality. I was pleasantly surprised by some good Oregonian words about the president. Just friendly pushing, not the vituperative things I usually read on a posting board over there. I've often thought about replying back, but am reminded of the Proverb about answering a fool.

The funny thing about it is most of us had real reason to express horror, disgust, approbations, and lots of other very negative words about our former president and didn't. Maybe it was just too disgusting for most of us to verbalize. Maybe we just had more class. There have been some real losers on the conservative side, morally speaking, too.

When a leader falls from grace, it is often necessary to separate the position from the practice. That is also true with me and other believers. Because of Jesus' payment of the penalty for my sin, my position is one of holiness and righteous living. All too often, however, my practice of that position is far short of the goal. Anyway, enough moralizing.

2d is still interviewing for new jobs. Could get the one in b, but won't try for it until e is school age as daycare is a major logistic and money issue. Has a possibility in tf and could drive back and forth. I would miss them so much even though they drive me crazy sometimes. It is a comfort to always know they are only a local call away and could be dropping in at anytime. This is another one of those times, I have to just let go, and be happy for their new adventures.

I will be taking d for a haircut tonite. He is also having trouble with his typing class. Needs keyboarding practice. I think I can get that old 286 running enough to get letters to appear. That would give him something to practice with. If I had any spare cash like I thought I had earlier in the year, I would upgrade and give them this one. I have a quote from CC for 650, but can't do it now. Maybe later. I'll tighten my belt.


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