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2001-09-17 - 10:37 a.m.


O Great. Now I not only have k moments and senior moments, I also have Autumn Leaves moments. My tool bar button problem has not ceased even with my intellectual reasoning that writing about it might curtail it.

My incompetency amazes me. I think when I put my url on the web, that I am putting the wrong one. www.kdip.diaryland.com only takes one to the Diaryland home page where it is almost impossible to find a specific diary unless the person has recently posted. Then one has to find the letter of the alphabet and then scroll down through a list of names, some of which are either tasteless or obscene. I think---- kdip.diaryland.com is probably what I should be using, but at my level of incompetency(dumb would be alot easier to spell!).....have to quit now!


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