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2001-09-15 - 11:21 a.m.

more ebay

Got another Dunnett book on ebay last nite. This one for 6.50 + shipping. I could get it from one on the booksellers on Bibliophile eventually but would have to do alot of corresponding back and forth to make arrangements and this one was much cheaper that Barnes and Noble. When I get all the Niccolo set I'll have lots of reading. Hope the Companion has lots of insight as historical scenes of that place and era are pretty dim to me. I'd read enough books about Britain to get most of the allusions in the Lymond books but even those took several rereadings to get clear in my mind.

Lots of talk and suppositioning on the web and TV about God and love and tolerance the last few days. I ponder that and am puzzled. I think most folks mean the Judeo-Christian God rather than the Mount Olympus gods or Scandinavian gods or any other gods that cultures may have. If we are thinking about the God who stated He created the world in 6 days(whether we believe it or not) or the God who says there is a Heaven He lives in and has invited us to join Him in, then I am puzzled even more. He gave us writings that are all we know of this One, and yet few have even bothered to look into those writings. We are especially dim concerning the relationship He has had with the people who live in that piece of land at the east of the Mediterranean Sea.

There is agelong animosity by Ishmael's descendants against Isaac's. And no wonder. To be the firstborn but not the chosen, and not the legal heir must be a bitter galling position to be in. For one thing, one always knows one's father loves another son best. It is no wonder, either, that any chance Ishmael gets to do harm to Isaac, he takes.

Just applying the human relations and reactions to that situation makes current events more understandable. However another's position can be understood by logic without being approved. Unfortunately Ishmael's mother made choices that impacted her son greatly and her alliance with Isaac's mother had disastrous effects on both their children.

Disobedience to one's Head never has positive results even done with the best of intentions and with superior intellectual reasoning. Trust and obey, for there is no other way.


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