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2001-09-14 - 10:30 a.m.

senior moments

What did I do yesterday? That was the reason for some of this journal. If I can't even remember from one entry to the next, I'm getting in ba-a-a-d shape.

Lessee---cancelled my whatevertheheckitis at Melaleuca. I liked some of their product, but not enough to use and buy 35 points($50+) a month. They also insisted on a credit card or access to the credit union. It just doesn't fit my lifestyle. I hate to disappoint 1s'l, but that is life sometimes.

I also did something about my last ebay purchase, another Dorothy Dunnett book, but I didn't sent the MO yet. This disaster thing is going to be a real inconvenience mailwise, I can see. (I can also see how shallow I am, thinking about that.)

I slept alot. Even woke up 20 minutes before the alarm went off. Good thing, too, as I had time to take a shower before work.

I was totally awesome at work. I love it when everything falls into place and I do my job well. Makes me feel worth all the money they pay me! Well, guess I can remember some of the things in the recent past. Maybe I'm not so far gone after all.

Didn't go to riding lessons. It was very stormy but 2d had decided in the morning not to go because she was still feeling weak and didn't want to hassle with the red rascal. It is almost time to quit riding for the year, and she hasn't gotten too much farther along with the red than she was last year, but I think her attitude about it is better. Sheis going to a golf scramble in b for the ski school. She went last year and found she sort of enjoyed this new sport.


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