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2001-09-24 - 10:57 a.m.

week end chores.

This is my Saturday, even if it is Monday. What is on my list today? I must mow the lawn. There will not be too many mowings left this year but 2d has lessons this pm and it is nice to have it looking nice for students and parents. I must do laundry(and I must confess that my hamper is filled with clean clothes from last week-that doesn't happen too often) I must do my kitchen stuff and prepare a large piece of meat for 800. I must pick the rest of the tomatoes and perhaps the purple onions. I must clean off my desk. Those are fairly steady Saturday rituals.

Had a different service at fbc yeaterday. A 5 by 8 American flag was draped across the back wall of the platform. The message was one of relating the different items and colors of the flag to the gospel. All of w's messages are solidly grounded in the scriptures so even an object lesson was rich in the truth of the Word.

White stars on the blue background remind us of Heaven. 50 is God's number for redemption. Remember the year of Jubilee. Seven red stripes-the color reminds us of the blood of Christ and 7 is God's number. The red is both before us and after us(the 6 white. 6 being the number of man) You can't get to the blue without going through the red, reminding us that the shedding of blood is for the remission of sin. More in that same vein but I would have to see my notes again to remember everything. It held d's attention well, and I am sure it did the rest of the young folks too.

I don't have much patience with the phrase 'I am not being fed'. Jesus said that His meat was to do the Father's Will so even in a dead church, if there is some scripture or hymn that mentions Bible truth, there is something to eat. It is better to find a place of 'like precious faith' but until one finds it, there is always meat to nourish even if the menu is slightly different than the ones preparing it intended!

I thanked mf for the sack of peaches yesterday. She said that she thought of me always being there for people when she had some extra peach to give. I don't know what exactly she meant, but it was a kind thing to say. One never knows what perception other people have. I suppose that is probably for the best. I am sure that sometimes we think we are really presenting a great appearance to others when in reality, they see something very negative. And I am sure the reverse is also true. Something we do that does not seem much at all may be really impressing others. That is why it is so important to be unconscious of pleasing others and very conscious of pleasing You.

We had salmon steaks for dinner yesterday. I think they were appreciated. I had a little hissy fit after buying them (such a great sacrifice on my part, paying 6 for 3 steaks and me hating fish) because the home coming attitude stunk, and mine promptly stunk back at least inside. I am always glad I am able to keep most of my attitudes inside. At least that way I only have to answer for part of my short comings. You know them all and You hear my confessions regularly, don't You? Am I improving any at all, am I becoming even a little like Your dear Son? That is what I want, and not just because that is what You want.

I have had most of my computer fun for the day, now it is time for me to do chores.


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