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2001-08-20 - 10:51 a.m.


O disaster! Lost 220 because I don't know enough about unemployment. Have to call immediately when laid off to reopen account. When I did, it was too late to claim last week. Well, easy come, easy go.

I'm poor now, after throwing it away with both hands during funeral week. Have a few hundred in credit union, 1 week coming Friday from work, 220 next Thurs from unemployment, at which time I'll be back at work. My want and needs are very few, except for emergency. Will give my tithe and missions at month's end instead of beginning.

Lord, You are so good to me. Even when I'm poor, I'm not.. 800 called from 3s place. He and lilsis are back from coast awaiting her departure. Home tonite. 2d and I partied. Got Lord of the Rings on 9 CDs, and also 2 vids of it. The grands will enjoy that. O called this am. She is back for a few days and going to b again. May go to Portland to live with l. That would be fun for awhile, which is how she is going to play it for a while.

Good service yesterday. It always is, but same old personality problems crop up. Hope we all don't spoil it. 2s is such a solid kid..has done alot of thinking about actions and reactions. Just what I wanted and trained for, Why am I surprised?

Talked to me about possessiveness of piano playing, concerning K and C playing also for church. Such a wise girl. God, You alone recognize her worth. If some fella doesn't, that's ok. She doesn't need a player. Help her keep focused and not discouraged when folks question her choices.

I have low pressure water running loose today, hope I don't forget it!! It is so dry, even a bit scary. At the funeral dinner, I stepped out of the building on the west side. It was so hot, the door handle burned, and the air had a red tinge. It reminded me of Picard and the one about the planet that was drying up that sent a probe with the flute, then died. Life would get intolerable again fast. And nothing to say that can't happen before the Lord's return. We will endure.


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