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2001-08-03 - 10:42 a.m.


2d and I had the same thing 1d had. I hate throwing up!!! 1d lost about 15 pounds and had a stress attack yesterday--she brings those on by her behaviour many times. She tried eating corned beef and cabbage Wed. and yesterday took d and e to the fair in the heat, then came over here to get 800 to take her to the er because she was scared again..

The major problem is spiritual. a month is about all she can go with the Lord and then the agression, anger, and lust of the flesh catch up. A healing is needed. We fat people tend to reward ourselves way too much.

Having 800 over me kept me doing what needed to be doing, and sometimes public opinion helped, also. 1d has nothing but her own wantto and that is not always enough.

2d and I made up some sick jokes during our down time. She came home from work at noon then went back in the am. She also brought statements with her. I called in wed and thur nites. The restrooms are too far away and I'm weak as a kitten.. O the jokes....

I would have been to work but something came up...

OK now, everything worked out......

Went with 2d to her riding lessons, she has gotten dumped so many times, she is very leary. She always has been shy on a horse. We never had a dependable one when she was little, and spent alot of time warning her against the mule.

She is so brave and in control on the slopes, it hurts to see her so hesitant. I was the same way on the slope. I hesitated and fell each time. Lessons would have helped, and I'm hoping these help her.

Ihave asparagus coming up all around the rhubarb plant!!!!!I picked all those seed off the bushes

in the trailer and put them in a jar. then took all the loose crud from the trailer and sprinkled it in the top of the little garden space. Now feathery little fronds have popped. Even if I don't get enough veggies to pay, an asparagus patch would be worth it all!!!

You are the Creator of Life,Lord and things with life in them want to live. Just a little encouragement keeps them going.


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