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2001-08-08 - 9:48 a.m.


4 more nites til shutdown! Don't have anything planned-shampoo carpets again as usual. I really need to do something with all Mom's photos but my scanners just aren't efficient enough and I am not ready to buy a new one yet.

I thought of something really neat and necessary to do, but I've forgotten it. That's what is so nice about my senior moments!!! 2s's vehicle broke down over the weekend. I loaned him mine because of k and s, and 2d took me to work the last nite, and bought milk for morning. We were both in trouble with 800 and still are. Betrayal and secrets. I'm used to it but this is her first long term hissy to endure.

I hope it works out. If this is the eagle stirring up the nest, Lord, help me get through it.

2s asked if he could borrow a vehicle. I was so tickled to help. He has asked for help so few times, and I've been able to give him so little.

Bible study tonite, then stay up and go to work. Better get to sleep!!


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