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2001-07-31 - 3:44 p.m.

weekend over

My weekend is almost over--I've not even gone to town. 1d and kids came over to stay the nite. She was very flu-sick and scared, I think. It's hard to be a single parent family. Life is scary. Ecclesiastes 1 has some words to say about 2 being a good thing. I was glad to have them all under my roof again.

1d has lost about 40 pounds since her health scare in March. Keep scaring her, Lord. "I may not be what every mother dreams for her little girl" Remember that song? What did the singer want to be known for? Her Father's Eyes. That's what I want for 1d. To look at life with God's eyes. And that is what You want for all of us, isn't it?

When I think we're not here to do great things or evangelize a new country, or lead hundreds to Christ but to be conformed to the image of God's dear Son. ...I'm not what I ought to be, but I'm not what I was....

1d is better today but may stay again tonite. She called 2d to see if she would bring some Gatorade home from work, and 2d left work and brought it right then along with a stem of flowers from outside the store. I love to see love in action and to see siblings care for each other is a mother's dream.

My life is getting simpler and simpler.


EE's devotional

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