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2001-07-28 - 3:25 p.m.


Read a thought-provoking entry from starrfish today. She expresses herself alot like me. The holding back of one's self, a reluctance to make oneself vulnerable, I think. She also recently lost her eldest son, and I relive once more the pain of 13 years ago.

'Grief is the tax we pay for loving' That is a very true saying, and for the most part it is an equitable tax. I don't feel the outrage the colonials must have felt about the tea tax, but rather the acceptance I feel for the gas tax as I ride the modern roads of our area. I don't like the grief but the love is immeasurably precious.

1s is the one child I don't worry about anymore. Miss him, yes. Feel pain, yes. But he is safe, I know where he is, I know he is happier than he has ever been, unutterably satisfied and fulfilled, and I am content. Do I want him back, YES. Can I bear it til I see him again, YES. There ARE worse things than having your oldest son in Heaven, just as Mr. Maxwell said. The pain I have felt as my other children have suffered the buffets of their unwise choices, or the cruely of others to them has often been almost unendurable, and often without hope.


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