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2001-07-25 - 10:00 a.m.


Need to get to bed. 1d has to work late so 2d and I will take d and e to Bible study tonite. it is cleanup so I don't have to go in but I must get some rest anyway.

I was so excited yesterday. Took d for a haircut(my new commitment) and went to youth ranch store. had been talking to 2d about killdeer we saw at the park Sunday, and remembered a book I'd read as a youngster that I'd loved. About a man who lived in a redwood tree and had animals--lovely illustrations as I remembered and I had read it over and over as a kid. Meant to look it up on the internet to see who wrote it and maybe get ahold of it, but guess what! My dear Saviour was way ahead of me! There it was, at the youth ranch books for 25 cents. The cover was more modern but the neat illustrations were the same. Thank You, Lord.

Just when I think nobody loves me, You prove you do and in such a unique way. Before I even asked, You thought of me! The book was Killdee House written by Rutherford Montgomery. 2d had never read it and wants it next.

Also found about 20+ book at the rlibrary. Such neat ones. Western and pioneer history books for kids published in the 50s. I had to buy them-can't bear thinking of them discarded nevermore to be relished by my grands and others. With so much history being rewritten,these are priceless to those of us who haven't moved with the culture.

Also got a new Josh McDowell 'Evidence that Demands a Verdict' for a quarter. That alone made the 5 dollars I spent worth it without all the other treasures!! You are so precious to me.


EE's devotional

newAutumn Leaves

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