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2001-07-23 - 9:31 a.m.


Yesterday was d's bd. We went to the little lake, ate meatloaf, cheezypotatoes, lima beans and bacon, deviled eggs, pickles and olives. White cake with strawberries for dessert. 1d brought the meatloaf and white cake, tea, and pickles and olives. I brought rest. Even so it was nice to have a party I hadn't been responsible for. Did bring black chairs, blankets and tablecloths.

1d is such a competent worker, it's hard to see why home things are this way. I think I did too much. Or maybe caring is the key, too much caring what others think is bad but some lining up is necessary. d doesn't have much of a chance. No one cares but us and the Lord, and that is where the help must come from. That will be best anyway. He is such a good boy, for all the problems. A good heart in spite of the 'in the face' actions. and 13 now. I pray his teen years will not be marked with rebellion as so many. A good message that a.m. about obedience. That is really what rebellion is all about. I wept as 2d and I drove away-at the aloneness and the seeming hopelessness of the situation. 800 and he have made a new relationship this summer. The one I hoped for. It will be a cheap payment I make. There was talk of a singleshot whrn money is there. Even if it is not, the thought is important.

2s worked but went over to their house later. He has been a good support to them this past year, not like other years. I'm glad to see that. They will only have each other in a few years.

Rebellion is probably what gets new families(?) formed. Ones of one's own making to one's own liking. That is a characteristic of the nuclear family, I think. Leaving the old paths and forging new ones, with new practices, customs, persons. The comfort and safety of the extended family is forfeit for the adventure of the different. That may be good or bad. To me, the example of our current cultural mores indicates 'bad'

2d bought the sound track of Last of the Mohicans. It is very good. Made me a tape which I enjoy and watched the vid and put it on my desk for me. A loner who is very perceptive of other actions.


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