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2001-07-20 - 10:45 a.m.


Bought 10 # of raspberries at the employees' sale this am! Whoopee!! What a nice serendipity!Thank You, Lord! I need to go to bed so I can get up to cook a roast for 800, but I get to running around here and can't quit. Have enjoyed my reading this week, too. You are so good to me. I'm sorry I am ---------(whatever fits) I feel a real peace about g the last few days. I was letting anger build up and along came a whole bunch of other sinful attitudes. Don't really know what made me feel so bad.

I was very tired of the whole scenario..I think 2d being still involved was part of it but she hasn't been doing anything differently except what circumstances entailed. Baseball, etc. she has a tender heart and reached out to help s in these bad days. Help her not get hurt. Anyway I'm sure thankful for the peace. It was also a good chance to see just what awful things are still inside me. Only Jesus is the good in me, and without His control, I'm bad--bad--bad.


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