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2001-07-10 - 10:01 a.m.

summer rambles

I usually have to hurry and finish out these entries because of unforseen events and have to scramble for a title. Tho't of titling at the beginning but who knows what I'm going to talk about?

I go back to work tonite. I'm always ready--that's cuz I rest up so good on my weekend.LOL Now that g has dumped me, my only friends are at work. How pathetic. Those are like school friends--only because of propinquity (is that the correct spelling to mean at a close distance?) But probably most friendships are because of the p word. Friends at church are because of mutual interests and often don't last in other arenas. Our church is so small there are few to have as friends. Until just recently we all tried to stay close, but recently it seems to have divided into gs and gnots.

Now I can see a lot of really sick behaviour that I shut my eyes to because of friendship. Lord, may that not just be sour grapes. Give me acceptance and tolerance for g, but protect 2d. Most of her tho'ts are for sm. 2d has always been on the side of the underdog, and sm is certainly under. The circumstances, for sure. 2d empathasizes with the outlines of the family situations, but she can see dad's side, also. She especially wants sm to know dad cares for her and isn't the boogieman now being pointed out.

Got some radishes (3) and onions from my little garden. Tomatoes are growing nicely even after wild bunny ate much of the ground ones. The ones in the wheelbarrow and the planter are doing nicely and I'm doing nicely watering them enough. The hanging baskets on the deck are another story. The lovely blue lobelia may already be past saving, and the petunias (never my favorite flower but always noted for their hardiness under unfavorable conditions)have dried out several times. Poor things, they have never met me. My gazing drop has turned out to be unexpectedly lovely. It's still safely escounced on the lower limb of the climbing tree.

I definitlely need a page where a spell checker is handy. I know I'm getting old by my spelling uncertainties. Never ever had these before.


EE's devotional

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