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2001-07-07 - 3:25 p.m.

I'm baaack

Baby has been in the hospital..got a new cd-rom and a new hard drive. Whatever was loaded back on the computer is displaying everything funny. Most sites won't fit on the screen anymore and the printing on my favorites column is big. I hate that!!! Hope I can find out how to change the settings.

A supervisor at work asked what was wrong lately with me. I wasn't as bubbly as before. As I evaluated my inner being, something I do seldom, I realized I may be depressed..me?--depressed?--that's like being lonely. Something I am just never.

This thing with g has saddened me. Even tho' I knew the truth of our friendship, it still hurt. She is now doing the same thing with 2d that she was doing with me the last few months, dumping all the trash of her life out for pity. 2d is a very wise child, however, and will probably sort it all out as I did. But it is annoying.

This is one of those things that must be turned over to the Lord, which is the same advice I repeatedly gave g, and which she never got. She finally pushed the home buttons to the limit and got what she probably always wanted anyway. I could have so easily gone that same way. Some things can never be fixed once they're broken. Barring a miracle, a family has been destroyed. Proverbs tells of women who tear down their house with their own hands. Unfortunately, by the time they have peddled their version of the story to the group they are in, they can wipe their mouths and go on with life.


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