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2001-06-21 - 4:07 p.m.

computer woes

I'm having a few questions about Diaryland. When I first found out about it, it was through The Chattering who had Circle of Quiet as a link. I could go to that site without having to be a member. I can't get to my site without logging in as a member, so I'm not sure how anyone else could get on there even if I gave them the address, kdip.diaryland.com. If I've made a recent entry, someone can get there that way. I may not know all I need to know yet.

Sure having trouble with the computer. In trying to get CD's to run, I've lost the CD drive altogether. I hope it's not broke as Connor Creek just replaced it 3 years ago. Two CD whatevers since 97 doesn't seem right.

I'm also having trouble posting to BBS. Can only do a followup. The filter is blocking out a lot, which I can't understand since the entries there hardly qualify as porn or even questionable entries.


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