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2001-06-16 - 9:41 a.m.

alone at last

I was alone August 3, 1967. Well, maybe not--but sometimes it feels that way. 800 and 2d are getting the new pickup, may be home sometime today. Grands are not here today. Tomorrow is Father's Day, k's birthday party and 2d's birthday party(maybe) We are also making our debut with a violin/autoharp duet tomorrow. 2d asked how many times we should play 'Amazing Grace' through, and I said until people stop putting their fingers in their ears and running out the back.

r's were messing around with their sprinkler system out in the road. It's amazing how much road thay had claimed and lawned before 800 had the surveying done. Doesn't keep them from trying still but atleast everyone knows where the boundaries are and 800 know where to get a dozer again. Lawn is one thing.But cement, trees and sprinkler systems are a bit much.

Is this one of those 'if your neighbor asked for a coat, give him 2'?


EE's devotional

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