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2001-07-11 - 10:25 a.m.

more ramblings

Good nite at work in spite of lots of undercurrents. It is easy to listen to the gossip in the lab. I do not do much talking, but am always amazed at the gossipworld. Keeping your mouth shut is always the safest route.

Bact coordinator is up for bids. I don't think I have enough seniority to get it, but week days and Sundays off would sure be normal. Lots of new stuff to learn in that job but more and more research is showing Alzheimer's is staved off by new learning.

Heard a super talking about the m's tonite. According to super, relatives and friends have deserted them and the horse people are stepping in to help. That's aggravating but par for the course. Watch out, 2d! you're next.

The girls aren't here today. When blb is not working, they go there in the daytime. Other gma came Monday to take k to get haircut. I invited her in till k finished breakfast and we visited cordially, or so it appeared to me. We both love grands and what can she do about blb?

Bonnie is going thru some daughterly heartbreak. We love them so much, but they feel so unfriendly sometimes. I'm sure they feel a lot of pressure from us even when we don't intend it as negative.

Tonite is Bible study. I so look forward to this time. Singing and studying. I would like testimonies too, but most of us are afraid to be vulnerable to each other in this fashion.

I watched Red Dawn again yesterday. That is such a good story, and just what I imagined might happen a few years ago. Lord, why do you spare our land when we are so unfaithful? Is it because we have loved your People? The only one I have ever known was hard to love, and didn't even love you, but I felt love and compassion for her.


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newAutumn Leaves

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