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2001-06-05 - 4:42 p.m.

fatal step

I added a filter for the summer since the grands are going to be around alot. It may have been a big mistake. BBS won't show alot of the postings. I don't know why. I've heard that filters sometimes block out innocent things as well as what we want blocked. Maybe there's a way to disable it, altho that would probably be defeating the purpose.

The grands are getting along quite well. I give my usual sermons about being kind, speaking nicely, white trash behaviour, etc.etc.etc. It's hard when the bb has so much influence and dislikes us all so much. It is spending 3 weeks south at trainng clinics at the rate of $700 a week. Was supposedly saved from jobs. I have a sneaky feeling that 2s's upping the monthly payments is the source of much of it. But not my concern. Actually it is my concern since 3 people I love very much are my concern. But God is big enough to care for them and protect them from the bb.

Days off are over. I studied my last course and am ready to take the test. That will bring a $1 raise, soon I hope.

Have been working at the comp much of the last 2 days to the accompaniment of Anne of Green Gables and Avonlea. Still holds much of the enchantment of the first time we watched. It's neat to see its effects on the grands.


EE's devotional

newAutumn Leaves

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