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2001-06-02 - 3:20 p.m.

Saturday small stuff

Wow! It's already mid-afternoon! 2d and I have to go clean the church. Doesn't take long. Had a good night at work. Not such a disaster as last after finding out about massive goof-up. Don't think I'll get written up but I feel really badly about it. Lots of others depended on me. That's what is bad about being dependable with lots of character and many other fine qualities (is it deep enough yet?) When I have a senior moment (of which I have always had my share) things go down in flames. Luckily my moment didn't cause a money or time loss. Got a kick out of a recent Treeheart entry. She talks about being unmomly. Must email her and tell her I'm borrowing that one!

Life is good. Thank You, Lord. I know trouble will come. You've said man is born to trouble like sparks fly upward. But right now , this minute, life is sweet. Live in the moment. Biblically, take no thought for the morrow. Isn't it funny, no matter what the generation, or culture, truth is truth and You are the Creator of all. In You, all things exist or are held together.


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