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2001-05-31 - 7:58 p.m.

repairs, of the heart also

Washer pump broken again. Time for the repairman again. Stove still waiting for a new burner he ordered. That's been months ago--maybe he's avoiding me!! Cleaned out the laundry room. Is that vanity or what? That's the only time I clean behind the washer. Good thing it keeps breaking perodically. 2d bought a new dresser. Very expensive. Comes tomorrow. So now I have the old one. 2 drawers are missing fronts but will make good shelves to store blankets. It's very old and heavy and I hate to throw it away. I think it was a cheap one when new but it is real wood not pressed board.

Last nite the little brother of a former student was at FBC. Jake is now in big city and works for the government. Little brother in mid twenties now and not impressed with Jake's private school experience. It was more a remedial experience for the family than a move of spiritual conviction, and Jake only stayed 2 years. I wonder what groundwork was laid that will come forth years later. God promises His word will not return void, but accomplish what He wants.

I sat behind this brother and watched, praying, the Living Word grip his heart (my impression) He went from a amused cynic to someone wholly absorbed in the progress of the message. I think he has a fair understanding in the surface things of the Bible and has probably never sat under the teaching of a fundamental pastor who believes God's Word is true and means what it says. What a blessing to my heart to sit under that type again. The blase, almost unbelieving culture I've been in since we've been down here these many years does thing to my own mind in the areas of faith.

I realize more and more I and my family have been hanging on by the whitened tips of our fingers. No wonder the grip weakens. Thank You, thank You for holding on to us!!!


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