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2001-06-08 - 3:34 p.m.

Avoidance 101

Do I want to say anything? Not much..... Took the test at work. Was told it may be a while before it is graded (or pay raised) Let me do it--I can find the answers alot faster. I'm the first to take this test so boss has to read the book and answer questions herself. What if she get the wrong answer? It's easy to see where 2d got her schoolwork competitiveness.

No grands today. k and s with 2s going to 3s probably. D with 800 somewhere. That has been a great success. Much better relationship now. They both needed companionship of the male variety. And nobody is better at raising men than 800. Hear footsteps upstairs. May be them but may be 2d.

It was d. NEWS FLASH!!!! Just discovered what is wrong with the brown velvet chair!! Lost some screws--that is why it is so lopsided. What a nice serendipity. But also presents a problem. There are now 4 big chairs in a space that would look much better with 2, at the most 3.

Still reading Delderfield's first Horseman. Enjoying much better this time. I think different ages have made me see some books differently. Some age so well. Have enjoyed Atlas Shrugged every time I've ever read it---about every decade of my life since the teens. Maybe it is time to try Agatha Christie again...Hercule? Nah, don't think so, yet.

Reading the CoffeeBean lady. The short ear cat is still missing. She is very laid-back about it. I think there must be a lot of hurt there, especially after losing her big dog this year and her mother. Like me, she may be hiding it. If I don't go there, it is not there. Avoidance has been one of the major lifesavers. That should be my name. The Avoidance Queen..or at least Duchess. Maybe Avoidance 101. But I have a Master's at least, in that course.


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