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2001-05-23 - 10:21 p.m.

new schedule

Trying something different..have come home from fbc on Weds recently and been unable to sleep til 11. Too much stimulation, I guess. Tonite I'm staying up and going to work. Don't have a visitor during lessons right now, so could sleep til late afternoon. Can sleep when I want to tomorrow so I'll see how this works. d was so good tonite but maybe it's my reaction to d. Don't criticize--pray!! and love!! Teacher is leaving for Minn and a new career. He did a lot for d this year, and d shared some chicks with him. The usual is happening -if I read too many folks here, I have no desire to write myself. I could have made a fortune writing if I hadn't loved to read so much....yeah. Remember how I always joke about collecting books for "when the library burns down" Well, it did! At least got very smokey and has been closed for several weeks so far. I'm getting a chance to read some of my own. Be careful what you wish for, you might get it!!! Father, another nite for you. Use me and make me usable


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