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2001-05-18 - 8:45 p.m.

secret house

How does Diaryland get me to this page without me putting in a password? I must have something set wrong. Anyone could get on this site from my computer and add an entry to my journal..horrible thought!!! An impersonation entry. Often I think my own entries are impersonations enough. Slept away most of the day. It's nearing my Friday and I'm more tired. Try to convince myself that lying down is as good as sleep-usually works. It's very evident that this body was not made to live forever and it'll be more than necessary for it to be changed in that twinkling of an eye when Jesus comes for me.

The Blessed Hope---drives away despair. Despair is probably the worst emotion I've ever felt and I try to escape it whenever it approaches. 2d says she tries to think of something else quickly when despair strikes. somebody famous said 'most men live lives of quiet desperation' Oscar Wilde? I know he said "he does not win, who plays with sin in the secret house of shame" I didn't know about Wilde's personal life when that quote first so impressed me but when I found out, I felt so sad. Sin of any kind can only be confessed and forsaken or striven to be forsaken with the help of the Lord. Trying to force society to change and accept your particular form of aberration does not bring peace of heart, it just spreads the heartbreak. 2s has brought k to spend the night with 2d. s has a sleepover and k does not want to come at 4. d and e are also coming tomorrow.

Poor 2d. It will be good for her to stretch. Me too. God puts little extras into our lives to mold us and others but we are so self -ish and centered


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