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2001-05-17 - 7:14 p.m.

child's future

How can one bear the death of a child if there is no hope of ever seeing that one again? Either the living one has no hope of a future life, or no belief that the one gone had a future life. The driving force in my life as a young mother was to introduce each child to Jesus as their Saviour. I had no educational or social aspirations past that one ambition. The thought of going to be with the Lord without them was unbearable. How can one who knows the truth in God's Word leave their child's future to chance? I know it's a personal decision, but we moms do everything else possible to influence positive outcomes in our children. Brushing the teeth because of a future outcome. Personal hygiene because of a personal future. Good study habits because of a personal future. God does everything He can while we are here on earth. I firmly believe that especially when I read I Peter 3 something. God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. It seems logical then that God in His foreknowledge brings circumstances and information into each life to offer a choice. Yet because of our free will, the direction of that choice must be ours. I must rest in the knowledge that God is just and life is fair to allow someone to go off into eternity without God as a result of their refusal of Him. If they don't want God as part of ther life now, why would they want to spend a very long time in his presence with only those in company who love Him? Sounds logical to me.


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