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2001-12-17 - 12:54 p.m.



I'm sad for my girl today. This fall has been for her an introduction into the world of adult women. Not a very pretty world either. She has luckily escaped it for quite awhile. Most of us get out first bitter taste in our early 20's and she is 27 so she had a few more years of innocence.

She has always seen herself as being kind, and has striven to be that way. She has even been a good example and better rebuke to me upon occasion. She doesn't like to engage in gossip and when she hears some, usually doesn't impart it to anyone. That has sometimes been annoying to me because I often felt there was information I needed to know. But she has always had her own screening program for that and on the whole, I appreciate her closed mouth. When she does feel the need to impart something, she usually does only here at home.

Twice now she has gotten caught in the divorce soap opera of g's. Both times have brought her to tears and an earnest desire to set things aright as best she can. These have both been nasty little concoctions of hidden sins and excuses made by those who should have known better but must cover up their own little nasty surprises in justification. Poor 2d has been caught unawares both times.

This is the first social circle where she has been out of my shadow and into the light as her own adult person, and that is where the introduction into the real world has happened. What a disillusion for her, but what an opportunity for her to know a great truth. All of us have feet of clay. Only You are the trustworthy One and the praiseworthy One. All we are only sisters and brothers in an large family, who often squabble among ourselves and behave selfishly most of the time.

She has been doubly fortunate to have been raised among blood sisters and brothers who have never engaged in that petty hurtful sibling rivalry. They aren't perfect but there is a love and loyalty that is strong but has left her ill prepared for the experiences she has faced lately.

The truly unfortunate thing is that she has a maturity and spiritual insight above some of those that she naturally must respect and does respect. That is why the hurt is so unexpected for her. Never having gone through the stage of rebellion against the older generation, and the closing of the ranks in the teen years against all but teen peers, she is ill-prepared for the truth of the adult community, especially the ones whom she would look to for patterns of godliness.

You will have to be her Upholder, Father, and I know You have lessons to teach her and guidelines to build into her life for Your future plans for her. But it hurts to watch her hurt.


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