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Friday, Nov. 26, 2004 - 11:41 a.m.

Worst year ever

This is turning out to be my worst year ever (at least since I have been Your child). It is bearable only because of You. And the fact that I have a really short attention span and get distracted easily. It has not been full of huge irreversible disasters, just alot of grey dispair and gloom.

I feel like that little Indian in Lil Abner that goes around with the raincloud hanging over him. Luckily the Avoidance Queen is not very introspective, and very good at getting sidetracked. Good thing the shallow thinker doesn't have much deep thought time. But I have noticed myself doing just what Mamma did. That thing I hated. Just sitting and staring off into space. Oh, not for hours and hours as she did, but for five minutes which is definitely not me-like.

I know You have the answers, and that is good, because I don't even have the questions. So I shall just go through each day, bearing up and hanging on. Not a very satisfactory way to survive, but better than nothing, I guess.

I think I am having a pity-party.


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