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Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2004 - 8:11 a.m.

O My Goodness!!

I had to do a very quick edit. I hope no one read yesterday's entry--I am afraid to look. The number didn't show up on the first item in a list of funny sayings and it looked as if I were being very disrespectful to 800.

Now I have no trouble in saying my piece (at least in this journal) but I do not want to give false impressions. When I am really ticked with 800, the journal will probably reflect it, and probably has.

The 3rd geology test is over, and now Teacher will know why I do so many bonuses (I have 7 new ones about geological maps that I had better churn out to make up for the test) I did just as poorly on the rock part as I expected. I don't know why last test I did so well, just lucky guesses probably.

When I did know the answer to a section, I knew lots and lots about it, even some little facts that wouldn't be expected. Hopefully I will be able to maintain an A, but I probably lost my first or second class position I have held all semester. And rightly so, the young fellow, (early 30s) who has been running neck and neck with me deserves first spot. He does almost as many bonuses as I do, and understands all the different facets (little word play there) of geology. Luckily I have never had to be first in things, just get A's.(that may not be a completely true statement, but I am not obsessive in that area) I'm sure I will be cured of that before my current schooling is over.

The bad thing about doing an excellent job, or having the perfect 'something or other' is having to be humble. That is why I am glad for you, dear journal. I can gloat and get away with it because no one knows how sef-centered I really am. (Except You, dear Father)


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